Downtown Music Vibrancy Relaunch Grant

Image of text Downtown Music Vibrancy Relaunch Grant

Are you an Edmonton-based business, organization, venue or arts professional that presents live music?

The Downtown Music Vibrancy Relaunch Grant provides up to $5,000 to present live music in Edmonton’s downtown core from now until June 30th, 2022.

This opportunity was created by West Anthem and supported in part by the City of Edmonton’s Downtown Vibrancy Strategy, in partnership with The National Music Centre and Alberta Music. Applications are open now until April 22nd.

This grant aims to promote and support Edmonton’s vibrant arts & culture sector in the heart of the city where many music venues and artistic spaces call home. It is also meant to encourage collaboration and partnership between arts organizations, businesses and arts professionals with a vested interest in the future of live music in our city at a time when it is crucially needed.

Events must be hosted within the boundary as stated in this map provided by the Downtown Business Association:

Map of Edmonton downtown









West Anthem was established to help stimulate the growth and sustainability of Alberta’s music industry. Its objectives are to develop a comprehensive understanding of the economic profile of Alberta’s music cluster, support the business capacity of the music industry, advocate Alberta’s music industry as a key economic driver and a vehicle for diversification, and to establish and implement a live music strategy for Alberta.

Applications are now closed



Hours of Operation

Monday  Closed
Tuesday  Closed
Wednesday  Closed
Thursday  Closed
Friday   11AM – Close
Saturday   11AM – Close
Sunday  11AM – 7PM

*These hours are subject to changes depending on programming.